Recycled Christmas Decorations

In the fall of 2019, CRAFTS AND DESIGNS asked for new ideas of Christmas decorations for an exhibition in December. Only Christmas decorations that were in some way re-used, re-cycled or re-made were allowed. Old embroidery, magazines, curtains, barbecue sticks and sushi pins were among the things that gained a new life.

Exhibitors: Auður Bergsteinsdóttir, Jóhanna Kristín Jósefsdóttir, Lára Magnea Jónsdóttir, Margrét Guðnadóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir, Sólveig Hildur Björnsdóttir, Þórunn Rakel Gylfadóttir and Þórdís Baldursdóttir.

Date: 02.12 - 20.12 2019
Location: HANDVERK OG HÖNNUN, Eiðistorg